HomeWorkpackagesWorkpackages 1 - TrainingWP 1.01: Geothermal Exploration Knowledge and Skills Deepening

WP 1.01: Geothermal Exploration Knowledge and Skills Deepening

During the project, work packages 1.01 and 1.02 have been merged due to similarities in the themes.

Within these work packages there were five training developed.

In a first step of the program the curriculum concept, structure and end qualifications of the trained program were defined. This was done collaboratively between the different consortium involved in each training.Subsequently, teaching material was developed, including lecture notes, assignments and some case studies. Each training, except for the Training on Geothermal Geochemistry. were executed twice in 2016 and 2018. Around 15 participants were invited to each training and in overall the training could be categorised as succesful. 

More information on the training can be found in the GEOCAP Handbook.

Participants impressions: 

"Saya sekarang mengerti bagaimana memandang suatu proyek geothermal dari sudut pandang berbagai stakeholder (pemerintah, investor, local community) tidak hanya dari satu sudut pandang engineer saja. Dengan pemahaman yang lebih luas saya jadi lebih fleksible dan bijak saat menghadapi/memecahkan masalah shari-hari yang muncul saat mengembangkan suatu proyek geothermal."

I now understand how to see a geothermal project from the point of view of various stakeholders (government, investors, local communities) not only from an engineer perspective. With a broader understanding I have become more flexible and wise when dealing with / solving shari-day problems that arise when developing a geothermal project.

"GEOCAP memberikan wawasan baru mengenai metode Geofisika yang sebelumnya belum saya kuasai."

GEOCAP provides new insights into the Geophysical method that I have not yet mastered.

Sebagai pekerja di institusi pendidikan, bahan dan materi training GEOCAP memberikan wawasan baru bagi saya. selain itu, bahan dan materi training dapat dijadikan bahan untuk latihan yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa."

As a worker in an educational institutions, GEOCAP training materials provide new insights for me. In addition, the training materials can be used as material for the training given to students.