The Geothermal Capacity Building Programme - Indonesia-Netherlands (GEOCAP) is an international collaboration between Indonesian and Dutch entities with the goal to develop intimately linked geothermal programmes for education and training, research and subsurface databases.
GEOCAP shared its scientific achievements with the general public and interested parties on 6 February 2019 through the ‘GEOCAP open science day’ at the Erasmus House on the premises of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Read more>>
Last month, GEOCAP has published its first edition of the GEOCAP Handbook. With this handbook we aim to show the readers on the activity results we have achieved up until now. Read more>>
Her fieldwork takes geologist Fiorenza Deon to remote areas in Indonesia and it wasn’t long before she learned the language, a skill she needs to be able to negotiate with the local authorities. Her geologic research forms part of GEOCAP, an international collaboration between the governments of Indonesia and the Netherlands, companies and universities aimed at exploring the use of geothermal energy. But GEOCAP is about more than just scientific research, underlines Deon. “Bilateral cooperation offers huge advantages to all parties.” Read more>>
In the first week of December, ESMAP organised a two-days workshop as one of their activities in supporting capacity building within the Tanzania Geothermal Development Company (TGDC). The workshop was held in Coral Beach Best Western Hotel, Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania). The objective of the workshop is to create a forum for knowledge sharing among the key stakeholders in the energy and extractive resource sectors on the status of geothermal development in Tanzania with a special focus on activities needed to prepare for exploration drilling. Read more>>
Faculty ITC of the University of Twente is part of the trade delegation that visits Indonesia this week. During the trade mission headed by the Dutch Prime Minister Rutte, Ministers Schultz van Haegen and Ploumen, and State Secretary Dijksma, ITC signed a cooperation agreement with the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia (BPSDM) for the GEOCAP project. Read more>>

Short introduction video to Remote Sensing for Geothermal Exploration and Monitoring.
(in Dutch with English subtitles)

Documentation of the GEOCAP Closing Event