


GEOCAP is an International Public-Private-Partnership that forms a consortium to run the programme. The members of the consortium come from private companies, universities and knowledge institutes, which are listed below. However, GEOCAP is an open programme that is not restricted to the original consortium members. It allows interested organizations to join into some of the efforts, where they have added value to the programme.


The programme knows two country coordinators: INAGA is the Coordinator Indonesia and UT-ITC is the Coordinator Netherlands. These country coordinators share the responsibility to coordinate the activities in their respective countries. Furthermore, UT-ITC is Overall Coordinator of the GEOCAP programme and in that function liaises with the funding organization.


The funding for the GEOCAP programme is provided by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Netherlands Embassy. It is a contribution to the a National Geothermal Capacity Building programme (NGCBP) that was called for by the National Development Planning Agency of Indonesia (BAPPENAS) through its Directorate for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Mining on 14 October 2011.
The programme has a life time of 3.5 years and starts in 2014.